Drawings from Greenhouse Victoria
2016, a period of uncertainty. Attacks, terror and a new spike in the refugee crisis. At first I was almost obsessed with the whole thing. Until I found peace in the botanical garden of Ghent.
I tried to repeat this 'zen' moment. For 40 days. An oasis of calm, while I created my own safe botanical world.
The drawings were created out of necessity. Then to offer spectators a carefree oasis of peace for 5 minutes in my animated film 'Greenhouse Victoria'.
- 2016
- 2016, So far, so good,... , Paddenhoek 12, Nucleo, Gent, BE /
2016, Graduation Show, LUCA School of Arts, Gent, BE /
2016, Greenhouse Victoria, Plantentuin, Gent, BE /
2016, Greenhouse Victoria 2, De schuur, St-Gillis-W, BE
- type: Drawing Works
- icw: Botanical garden Gent
- 105 ✕ 148 mm
- Technique: Pencil on paper
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