Greenhouse Victoria
During the winter of 2016, I went to the botanical garden for 40 days. From 9am to 11am, I let the flora, textures and tranquility guide me daily.
Like a manual scanner, as a maker I recorded the environment in 40 drawings.
The oasis of calm, I made every morning a drawing and transformed it into a panorama. But in order to completely immerse you, in the moment that I was experiencing at the time. I created an animated film, an utopia in which you can get lost in details and natural beauty.
- 2016
- 2016, Graduation Show, LUCA School of Arts, Gent, BE /
2016, Greenhouse Victoria, Plantentuin, Gent, BE /
2016, Greenhouse Victoria 2, De schuur, St-Gillis-W, BE
- type: Motionworks
- icw: Botanical garden, Ghent
- Duration: